Mobility is one of the keywords for 2020

Behind uberisation, micro transit and autonomous vehicles, mobility is changing our culture in more subtle ways

Adolfo Ramírez Corona
4 min readOct 24, 2019


It seems like a contradiction. In the era of cloud services and apps, remote access, streaming, 5G, real-time chat, virtual and augmented reality, 3D printing, one of the trending concepts and topics is mobility.

Photo by Victor B. on Unsplash

Moving day

It looks like we are moving like any time before in the history of humanity.

All the tourist places are at the top of their capacity: cities, museums, parks, mountains…

We have a lot of facilities to move in almost any city, from the electric scooters to ubers — and even rent per trip cars, passing by bicycles and motorcycles.

All the stores and services have an easy way to attend to their clients (remote consultation in health, accounting, financial, law) or send their goods (food, medical drugs, books, even houses).

There are digital tools and apps to analyze, design and optimize urban landscapes, roads, and all the transportation that goes on them.

Gadgets, content, work, every industry of business has some issue with distances, places, distribution, areas, maps…



Adolfo Ramírez Corona

Author, psychotherapist, coach—Human behavior, UX, media & audiences—Father, husband, meditator—Courses & coaching:—More